
10:10 AM

I really don't understand the way of the world. Many people proclaim their faith in God but do not practice the teachings. Forwarding messages/videos of "encouragement"(sometimes these aren't even encouragement but threats). Email messages that contain something like having the courage to stand up and asks to forward these messages, I really think that's stupid. If you really are strong in faith, why not proclaim it head on. Face your adversaries! Why go behind the technology where you hide through chain messages? You are proclaiming not your faith but of that who created the message. After forwarding them, would you talk to your colleagues about it? I doubt it. You don't even feel encouraged by it. You just feel guilty not forwarding these messages, and guilt is not a manifestation of faith.

I also have observed that these "compassionate" people are those who see problems of humanity every day and talk about it but never made a single action to resolve at least one of them. You are pitiful, but I don't pity you. I hope people stop forwarding these chain letters and just do something about the problem. Actions speak louder than words. Walk your talk. I did, why can't you?


raphael said...

Wow...What a great post. Yep, you're right. Just like you, I don't like chain messages that test your faith. ;)

Life in Action - http://rgbconnections.net

raphael said...

Just want to plug my blog, it talks about Life in Action. Thanks!