Pig and Turtle :(

8:23 PM 1 Comments

der ws a turtle
hu fel nluv wd a pig.
1day, d trtle
vsted d pig
& sed
"luv njd kau tka"
d pig rpLied:
"kmi n ni rabit, dugay mN gd ka!
nghulat bya ko nMu"
=( OUCH!

d turtle
had 2 w8,
2 prove
8 was true.
1st tym 8 went
out of 8s shell,
2 make sure
8 was real.
so as not 2
hurt d pig,
n not to
do a trick.
bt nw 8s
too l8.
it could
only w8.


9:08 PM 0 Comments

How I hate that twisted behavior. People say what they say without even listening to themselves. People give advices to others without even experiencing those advices or even understanding the same in a mature perspective. Even the most conservative individual commit big mistakes on the very same thing he/she is known to be good at. How I hate that twisted behavior.